.. _command-customer-networks-update: update ====== The ``customer-networks update`` command is used to import customer networks data from a CSV file into Argus. Usage ----- .. code-block:: bash argus-cli customer-networks update CUSTOMER FILE parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ .. program:: argus-cli customer-networks update .. option:: CUSTOMER Customer whose networks to update. Can be specified as a short name or numeric ID. .. option:: FILE Path to the CSV file to import from. options ^^^^^^^ .. option:: --format, -F Format of the CSV file, as a comma-separated list of field names. All field names must be :ref:`valid `. The default is ``address,description``. .. option:: --first-line-defines-format, -L Flag. If set, the :option:`--format` option will be ignored, and the header (first) row of the CSV file will be used to determine the structure of the data. example : using this option with a file whose first line is ``address,zone,description`` is equivalent to using `--format address,zone,description`. .. option:: --delimiter, -t CSV column delimiter character. Defaults to ``,``. .. option:: --always-yes, -y Flag. If set, all interactive yes/no prompts will be skipped by always selecting ``yes``. .. warning:: Exercise caution if using this option wih :option:`--replace` and/or :option:`--delete-missing`, as data can be deleted. .. option:: --replace, -R Flag. If set, existing networks will be updated with data from the CSV file. If not set, new networks can be created but no existing data will be updated. .. option:: --delete-missing, -X Flag. If set, any existing network that is not present in the CSV file will be deleted. .. option:: --interactive, -i Flag. If set, the user will be prompted to confirm every change. .. option:: --dry, -D Flag. If set, perform a dry run where no Argus data will be modified. .. option:: --splunk Flag. Write JSON output instead of logging messages. .. option:: --output Write output to ````. This will have no effect unless the :option:`--splunk` flag is set. .. _command-customer-networks-update-valid-fields: Valid field names and values """""""""""""""""""""""""""" Im order for the import to function, all field names provided must be one of the following : - ``address`` (or ``Network``) : The address of the network, optionally including the subnet mask - ``description`` : description of the network. Maximum 255 characters. - ``subnet_mask`` : the subnet mask of the network (can also be provided as part of the address). - ``zone`` : network zone. The value must be one of ``INTERNAL``, ``EXTERNAL``, ``DMZ`` or ``UNKNOWN``, ``UNKNOWN`` being the default. - ```zone`` (or `LocationShortName``) : short name of the location where the network is located. The list of valid location for the ``LocationShortName`` field can be obtained by running : .. code-block:: bash poetry run argus-cli customer-networks list-locations Values in the ``Shortname`` column can be used.