
The autocreate-yaml command combines the events search and cases autocreate commands in a single configuration-based interface for automated case creation based on even data.


argus-cli cases autocreate-yaml CONFIG

Path to the autoreport configuration file. see command-cases-autocreate-yaml-config for information on the configuration format.


If set, perform a dry run (no data will be commited).

Corresponds with the argus-cli cases autocreate --dry.


If set, create cases marked as test data.

Corresponds with the argus-cli cases autocreate --test-data.

--base-time <base_time>

Override the base time set in configuration. Can be used to run an autoreport for a past period.

--time-frame <time_frame>

Override the time frame set in configuration. Can be used to re-run an autoreport for a past period.


Flag. If set, only verify the the configuration file contains valid data and exit.


Flag. If set, only print information about how time variables have been calculated.


Flag. If set, do not exclude flags that are normally excluded by default during the search.

Autoreport flow

The general flow of an autoreport is as follows:

First, an event search is ran using the criterias defined in the search section of the autoreport configuration, for the time period defined by the “base time” and the “time frame” :

  • the “base time” is a reference point in time, and is usually - and by default - the time of running the autoreport.

  • the “time frame” is the size of the time window to search, relative to the “base time”

For instance, if the base time is now (the default) and the time frame is 1 week, events will be searched in the period between “1 week before now” and “now”. If the base time is changed to one month ago, events will be searched between “one week before exactly one month ago” and “exactly one month ago”.

The base time is controlled by the base_time option, but the default of now is suitable for most use cases. When testing an autoreport or re-running one for a past period, it can be set with the --base-time option without editing the configuration file.


use the --test-time-expr to see how base time and time frame are computed.

The start and end times calculated based on the base time and time frame. as well as other search option are passed to the events search command.

Second: nce the search has ran, autocreate-yaml feeds its results as well as all required autoreporting options to the cases autocreate command and the regular autoreport flow takes place.



autoreport configuration is yaml file with the following structure :

key: "autoreport key"
template_folder: "/path/to/templates" # optional if provided via command line
# timing options
base_time: "now" # optional, default to "now"
time_frame: "1 week" # REQUIRED
timeout: "1 day" # optional, default to "now"
sort_by: # optional, no default
  - "properties[]"
search: # REQUIRED, all search options are optional and have no default
  min_severity: "high"
  exact_match_properties: true # optional, defaults to base_time
  min_count: 10 # optional
    - "enrichment1"
    - "enrichment2"
      - "customer1"
      - "customer2"
      - "customer3"
      - "FLAG1"
      - "FLAG2"
      - "FLAG3"
      "property.1": "value1"
      "property.2": "value2"
       "property.3": "value3"
  # ... other search options
case: # optional
    "en": "case title in english"
    "no": "case title in norwegian"
  # OR title: "title" for a non-localized case title
  group_by: # optional, no default
    - "properties[source.user]"
  status: "pendingCustomer" # defaults to "pendingCustomer"
  priority: "medium" # default sto "medium"
  service: "ids" # defaults to "ids"
  type: "securityIncident" # default to "securityIncident"
  catgeory: "case category" # no default
  close_after_create: false # defaults to false
   "tag1": "tag1 value"
   "tag2": "tag2 value"
  request: "workflow name" # no default
  acknowledge: "workflow name" # no default
  comment: "comment body" # no default
   closed_case: "silent" # one of "reopen", "silent", "new-case"
   status_on_update: "pendingCustomer"
  skip_notifications: false # default to false
  watcher: "watcher_name" # no default
  watcher_from_field: "properties[]"

A more minimal example:

key: "my-autoreport"
time_frame: "1 week"
timeout: "1 day"
min_severity: "high"
    - "mnemonic"
    title: "high priority events today!"

top-level options

autocreate-yaml specific options


  • optional, defaults to now.

  • controls the “base time” for searching events to autoreport on. The “base time” is the end of the event search window.

  • Expects a string value expressing a point in time (see Date arguments).

  • Can be overridden when running an autoreport with the --base-time option.


  • required

  • controls the “time frame” from the events search - the start of the events search window.

  • Expects a string value expressing a point in time (see Date arguments).

  • relative to base_time

Example: it base_time is set to now and time_frame is set to 1 day, the events search window will be between 1 day before now and now.


  • optional

  • defaults to ["NOTIFIED", "INITIAL_TUNING"]

  • Controls flags that are excluded from search by default in a production settings.

  • For testing purposes, they can be “un-excluded” with :option:--no-prod-excludes

autocreate options

These options map directly to cases autocreate command-line options:

search section

All search options map to argus-cli events search command-line options - see argus-cli events search --help.

Command-line options that follow the include/exclude pattern, such as --include-customer, --exclude-customer can be be expressed as:

    - "<value1>"
    - "<value2>"
    - "<value3>"

For example:

    - "mnemonic"
    - "demo"
    - "globex"

iI equivalent to argus-cli events search --include-customer mnemonic --exclude-customer demo globex.

All include/exclude are supported, as well as:

  • exact_match_properties

  • min_severity

  • min_count

  • enrich

case section

All cases options correspond with cases autocreate options:

title corresponds with argus-cli cases autocreate --case-title, argus-cli cases autocreate --case-title-en and argus-cli cases autocreate --case-title-no:

for a non-localized title, use:

title: "case title"

which is equivalent to argus-cli cases autocreate --case-title "case title".

For a localized title:

  "en": "english case title"
  "no": "norwegian case title"

argus-cli cases autocreate --case-title-en "english case title" --case-title-no "norwegian case title".

Other options map more directly to cases autocreate options:

notifications section

Notifications options map directly to cases autocreate options:

workflows section

Workflows options map to cases autocreate options as follows:

updates section

Updates options correspond to cases autocreate options that control the behavior of the tool on “updates” (situations when events are added to an already existing case, as opposed to the creation of a new case):